Sukhoi Su-30 Flanker-C


Category Combat aircraft
Origin country 🇨🇳 Ex-USSR
First flight30 December 1989
Year of introduction1996
Number produced630 units
Average unit price$37 million


The Su-30 Flanker-C is a twin-engine, two-seat multirole fighter aircraft developed by Russia's Sukhoi Aviation Corporation. It's an advanced derivative of the original Su-27 Flanker, which itself was developed as a counter to American aircraft like the F-15 and F-16. The Su-30 was initially introduced in the 1990s and has been exported to various countries. It was designed for long-range air-to-air combat as well as ground attack missions.

The Su-30 Flanker-C is built for agility and versatility, featuring a twin-engine configuration with Saturn AL-31F turbofan engines. Its airframe is made largely of titanium and high-strength aluminum alloys, optimized for high maneuverability and low radar visibility. The aircraft has canards and thrust-vectoring nozzles, enhancing its dogfighting capabilities. It also has a large payload capacity and can carry a variety of air-to-air and air-to-ground munitions.

The cockpit features a tandem seating arrangement, where the pilot sits in the front and the weapon systems officer or co-pilot sits in the rear. The aircraft is also designed for in-flight refueling, extending its operational range significantly.


The Su-30 Flanker-C has a robust armament configuration that can be tailored for various mission profiles on its 12 hardpoints:

  • Guns: Typically equipped with a single 30mm GSh-30-1 autocannon with about 150 rounds.
  • Air-to-Air Missiles: Capable of carrying a range of missiles such as the R-77 (AA-12 Adder), R-73 (AA-11 Archer), and the older R-27 (AA-10 Alamo) for long and short-range engagements.
  • Air-to-Surface Missiles: Can deploy various types of anti-ground and anti-ship missiles like the Kh-29, Kh-31, and Kh-59.
  • Bombs: Compatible with various types of unguided as well as precision-guided munitions, including laser-guided bombs and satellite-guided bombs.
  • Other: The aircraft can also carry rocket pods, electronic countermeasures (ECM) pods, and targeting pods for various roles.

Operational history

The Su-30 has a varied operational history, serving in different air forces around the world since the 1990s:

  • Russia: It has been in service with the Russian Air Force and has undergone various upgrades. It's been deployed in exercises and potentially in combat scenarios, though specific operational details are often not public.
  • India: One of the largest operators, the Indian Air Force (IAF) has used the Su-30MKI variant extensively, including during border skirmishes and as a nuclear delivery platform.
  • China: Operates the Su-30MKK variant and has deployed it in various roles, including maritime patrols.
  • Venezuela: Deployed Su-30s for air defense and sovereignty patrols.
  • Algeria, Malaysia, Vietnam, and others: Various countries operate the aircraft for multirole capabilities, including air defense, ground attack, and maritime patrol missions.


The Su-30 has multiple variants, including:

  • Su-30 (Su-27UP): Initial modernized version, primarily for the Russian market.
  • Su-30MK: Export-oriented, 'MK' stands for "Modernizirovannyi Kommercheskiy" (Modernized Commercial).
  • Su-30MKI: Customized for India, featuring canards, thrust-vectoring, and a mix of Russian, Western, and Indian avionics.
  • Su-30MKK: Developed for China, optimized for ground attack roles.
  • Su-30MKA: Customized for Algeria, similar to MKI but with different avionics.
  • Su-30MKM: Malaysian variant, similar to MKI but with some Western avionics.
  • Su-30SM: Modernized version for the Russian Air Force, incorporates improvements from the MKI. The Su-30SM is considered a 4+ generation fighter jet.

Technical specifications

Version: Su-30 Flanker-C
Crew1 pilot + 1 WSO
Operational range3000 km (1864 mi)
Maximum speed 2125 km/h (1320 mph)
Wing area62.0 m² (667.8 sqft)
Wingspan14.7 m (48.2 ft)
Height6.4 m (20.9 ft)
Length21.9 m (72.0 ft)
Service ceiling17500 m (57415 ft)
Empty weight17700 kg (39022 lbs)
Max. takeoff weight33000 kg (72752 lbs)
Takeoff distance750 m (2461 ft)
Powerplant2 × turbofans AL-31FP delivering 12497 kgp
Ejection seatZvezda K-36DM

Current operating countries

Country Units
India India 248 (+2)
Russia Russia 110
Algeria Algeria 57 (+16)
Venezuela Venezuela 22
Malaysia Malaysia 18
Angola Angola 12
Uganda Uganda 5
Belarus Belarus 4 (+8)
Armenia Armenia 4
Myanmar Myanmar 0 (+6)

Numbers in parentheses, e.g. '(+5)', indicate units ordered but not yet delivered.

All operators


Photo of Su-30 Flanker-C

Photo of Su-30 Flanker-C

3-view profile

3-view profile of Su-30 Flanker-C