Type 094-class (Jin)

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Origin country 🇨🇳 China
Category Submarine
SubtypeNuclear ballistic missile submarine
ManufacturerBohai Shipyard, Huludao, China
Year commissioned2007
Approx. unit cost$750 million
Current operators 🇨🇳 China


The Type 094, also known as the Jin class, is a class of nuclear ballistic missile submarines (SSBNs) developed by China, intended to strengthen the naval capabilities of the People's Liberation Army Navy Submarine Force. Serving as a critical component of China's nuclear deterrent strategy, these submarines act as a sea-based nuclear deterrent. Designed by Zhang Jinlin, the Type 094 is believed to have been based on the design of its predecessor, the Type 093 nuclear-powered attack submarine.

The mission of the Type 094 SSBN is to provide China with a credible and stable second-strike capability, thus ensuring a nuclear deterrent that is less vulnerable to a first-strike attack. This mission became operational when the subs began nuclear deterrence patrols in December 2015.

Regarding design, the Type 094 is identified as China’s “first credible sea-based nuclear deterrent.” A variant, the Type 094A, includes a modified and improved sail, potentially enhancing the submarine’s stealth and hydrodynamic efficiency.

The Type 094 was initially equipped with 12 JL-2 submarine-launched ballistic missiles (SLBMs), possessing a range of 7,200 km, enough to target parts of Alaska from waters near China. However, advancements in armament were made, and by late 2022, the Type 094 was rearmed with JL-3 SLBMs, which reportedly have a range of over 10,000 km, enabling strikes against the continental United States even when operating from the South China Sea.

Regarding noise levels, the Type 094 class is noisier than contemporary Western and Russian submarines, a factor which potentially compromises its stealth. Reports from various years have compared its acoustic signature unfavorably against the Soviet-era submarines and the Los Angeles-class submarines from the United States.

The operational history of the Type 094 reveals that the first boat was commissioned in 2007, with satellite imagery verifying the presence of this class at Xiaopingdao Submarine Base in late 2006. As of 2020, six of these submarines were confirmed to be in commission.

The only operating country of the Type 094 is China, with these submarines being a core element of the country's move towards a more secure and potent nuclear deterrent, indicating significant modernization efforts of China's naval forces.

Technical specifications

Type 094
Displacement8000 tons
Displacement submerged9000 tons
Range Unlimited, except by food supplies
Crew140 members
Width11.8 m (38.7 ft)
Length137.0 m (449.5 ft)
Max. depth300 m (984.3 ft)

1 locally built reactor - 1 propeller


12 JL-2 SLBM (8 MIRVs of 250 kT each) + 6 533mm TLTs

Maximum speed20 knots


Type 094-class silhouette