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Origin country 🇫🇷 France
Category Frigate
SubtypeMissile frigate
ManufacturerArsenal de Brest, Arsenal de Lorient
Year commissioned1967


The Frigate Suffren class is a state-of-the-art naval vessel designed and manufactured for the French Navy. Named after the famous French naval officer and explorer Pierre André de Suffren, this class of frigates is known for its advanced capabilities and cutting-edge technology.

These frigates are built with a focus on versatility and adaptability, making them suitable for a wide range of missions, including anti-submarine warfare, air defense, surface warfare, and escort duties. With a displacement of approximately 6,000 tons, the Suffren class frigates are equipped with a comprehensive array of weapon systems to effectively counter various threats.

One of the most distinctive features of the Suffren class is its powerful and stealthy design. These frigates incorporate advanced stealth technology, reducing their radar signature and making them difficult to detect by enemy forces. This feature enhances their ability to operate in contested environments, providing the French Navy with a significant tactical advantage.

These frigates are equipped with advanced sensor suites, including a multifunction radar, sonar systems, and electronic warfare capabilities. This cutting-edge technology allows for optimal situational awareness, enabling the crew to promptly identify and assess potential threats. Furthermore, the Suffren class frigates boast advanced communication systems, ensuring seamless coordination with other naval units and airborne assets.

In terms of armament, these frigates are armed with a diverse range of weapons, including surface-to-air missiles, anti-ship missiles, torpedoes, and a 76mm naval gun. This impressive arsenal provides the crew with robust offensive and defensive capabilities, allowing them to effectively engage both air and surface threats.

The Suffren class frigates are powered by a hybrid propulsion system, incorporating diesel-electric and electric propulsion. This configuration provides increased efficiency, longer endurance, and enhanced stealthiness, making these frigates highly maneuverable and capable of sustained operations in various maritime environments.

Technical specifications

Displacement6780 tons
Range 9000 km at 18 knots
Crew355 members
Width15.54 m (51.0 ft)
Length157.6 m (517.1 ft)

2 Rateau turbo-electric motors with a power of 72,500 hp - 2 propellers

Thrust3440 hp

1 Masurca (48 missiles) + 4 MM-38 (I 4) + 2 100mm Mod.68 guns + 4 20mm F2 guns + 4 12.7mm machine guns + 4 L5 Mod.4 T/ASMs

Maximum speed34 knots