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Origin country šŸ‡­šŸ‡· Croatia
Category Patrol vessel
SubtypeFast attack craft
ManufacturerKraljevica Shipyard, Kraljevica, Croatia
Year commissioned1992
UnitsCroatian Navy: 2 in service


The Kralj class missile boats, translating to "King" in Croatian, comprise two vessels that were initially planned for the Yugoslav Navy but were later inducted into service in the Croatian Navy following the break-up of Yugoslavia. As of 2009, both ships, named after historic Croatian kings, Kralj Petar KreŔimir IV and Kralj Dmitar Zvonimir, remained active. Although a third ship was considered in 1999, it was never commissioned owing to budget constraints.

Originating during the 1980s, the Kralj class was devised as an upgrade to the Rade Končar missile boat class, with a longer hull and superior features. The development by the Brodarski institut from Zagreb was briefly suspended in 1989 but resumed in 1991. Initially, the first vessel, intended to be named after World War II hero Sergej MaŔera, was nearing completion when the Croatian War of Independence broke out. The ship was seized by Croatian forces at the Kraljevica Shipyard, renamed, and later commissioned into the Croatian Navy. A second vessel, with some modifications, was constructed by Croatia in the 1990s and entered service in the early 2000s.

Design-wise, the Kralj class boats are characterized by longer hulls compared to their predecessors and all-diesel propulsion systems, unlike the CODAG propulsion found in the Končar class. Another significant difference between the two ships is the longer hull and amended bridge design found in Kralj Dmitar Zvonimir. These boats were the first in the Yugoslav service fitted with Swedish RBS-15 anti-ship missiles acquired in the late 1980s.

Technical specifications

Displacement390 tons
Range 3000 km
Crew32 members
Length54.15 m (177.7 ft)

Three shafts;
3 M504-B2 diesel engines


4ā€“8 RBS-15 SSM; 2 Bofors 57 mm (2.2 in)/70 Mk1 gun; 1 AK-630 CIWS

Maximum speed36 knots