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Origin country 🇸🇪 Sweden
Category Corvette
ManufacturerKarlskronavarvet AB
Year commissioned1989
UnitsUnited States Navy: 13 active
Current operators 🇸🇪 Sweden


The Göteborg class corvettes are warships utilized by the Swedish Navy, with their construction spanning from 1986 to 1993. Designed during the Cold War era, their main purpose was to counteract the threat posed by Soviet submarines and surface vessels. To accomplish their designated mission, these corvettes are equipped with a robust armament suite, including eight RBS-15 anti-ship missiles, which are the primary weapon for engaging enemy vessels. To complement the anti-ship missiles, they also carry torpedoes for anti-submarine warfare, as well as a 57 mm cannon and a 40 mm cannon for general-purpose use.

The origins of the Göteborg class are intertwined with the geopolitical climate of the time, specifically the tension between the West and the Soviet Union. The Swedish Navy had initially planned to expand its fleet with six ships of the Göteborg class. However, with the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991, Swedish defense priorities shifted, leading to the cancellation of the last two units of the class.

Visually, the design of the Göteborg-class corvettes reflects their mission requirements, with a silhouette and size that enable them to execute their role in the littoral combat environments typical to the Baltic Sea. Their configuration was at the forefront of corvette design at the time of their construction and remained relevant throughout their operational history.

As for the operational history of the Göteborg class, it includes participation in international peacekeeping efforts. Most notably, two ships, HSwMS Gävle and HSwMS Sundsvall, were actively involved in a United Nations operation off the coast of Lebanon in 2006 and 2007. This deployment came in the aftermath of the 2006 Lebanon War and was indicative of the corvettes' capabilities beyond just anti-submarine and anti-surface warfare.

Later, HSwMS Sundsvall and HSwMS Gävle underwent extensive modifications between 2019 and 2022. This upgrade was so substantial that post-enhancement, the class was renamed to the Gävle class, following the earlier decommissioning of the lead ship, HSwMS Göteborg. The update saw an alignment of their capabilities with those of the newer Visby class corvettes, representing a significant technological leap and ensuring the ships remained relevant and formidable in modern naval warfare scenarios.

Technical specifications

Displacement400 tons
Range 3500 km
Crew41 members
Width8.0 m (26.2 ft)
Length57.0 m (187.0 ft)

3 MTU diesel engines at 2,560 kW /each
Water jet propulsion system


1 BAE Systems Mk 110 57 mm gun; 1 SeaRAM CIWS; 4 .50 cal guns; 2 30 mm Mk 44 Bushmaster II guns (SUW Module); 24 AGM-114 Hellfire missiles (SUW Module);

Maximum speed30 knots