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Origin country 🇮🇱 Israel
Category Submarine
SubtypeDiesel-electrick attack submarine
ManufacturerHowaldtswerke-Deutsche Werft (HDW)
Year commissioned1999
Approx. unit cost$650 million
UnitsINS Dolphin, INS Leviathan, INS Tekumah, INS Tanin, INS Rahav, INS Drakon
Current operators 🇮🇱 Israel


The Dolphin class is a diesel-electric submarine that originated in Israel and was built by Howaldtswerke-Deutsche Werft AG (HDW) in Kiel, Germany, for the Israeli Navy. The design is based on the German 209-class submarines, but was modified and enlarged. The Dolphin class replaced the aging Gal class, which had been in use since the late 1970s.

Each Dolphin-class submarine is capable of carrying up to 16 combined torpedoes and Popeye Turbo submarine-launched cruise missiles (SLCMs) with a range of at least 1,500 km. These missiles are widely believed to carry a 200 kiloton nuclear warhead.

In operational history, the original order for the submarines was cancelled in November 1990 due to a budget reallocation aimed at countering Iraqi threats against Israel. However, funding was soon secured anew, with two boats (Dolphin and Leviathan) being fully subsidized by the German government, and the third (Tekumah) receiving a 50% subsidy.

The first batch of Dolphin-I submarines are set to be replaced by the newer Dakar-class submarines from 2031 onwards. However, Israel has continued to order additional Dolphin submarines as it has found their capabilities beneficial.

The Dolphin class is mainly operated in Israel, facing potential threats from the Mediterranean region. It has been speculated that Israel keeps at least one submarine equipped with nuclear-tipped SLCM in the Red Sea as a deterrent. The Dolphin class's success has prompted Germany to subsidize costs for further development and purchase of these submarines.

Technical specifications

Displacement1640 tons
Displacement submerged1900 tons
Range 15000 km at 8 knots
Width6.8 m (22.3 ft)
Length68.6 m (225.1 ft)
Max. depth350 m (1148.3 ft)

Diesel-electric, 3 diesels, 1 shaft, 4,243 shp (3,164 kW); Dolphin 2 class: air-independent HDW Fuel Cell System


6 533 mm (21.0 in) torpedo tubes
4 650 mm (26 in) diameter torpedo tubes

Maximum speed25 knots


Dolphin-class silhouette