Chungmugong Yi Sun-sin-class (KDX-II)

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Origin country 🇰🇷 South Korea
Category Destroyer
SubtypeGuided-missile destroyer
ManufacturerHyundai Heavy Industries, Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering
Year commissioned2003
UnitsRepublic of Korea Navy


The Chungmugong Yi Sun-sin class destroyers are part of the Republic of Korea Navy's multi-purpose destroyer fleet, with the lead ship ROKS Chungmugong Yi Sun-sin launched in May 2002 and commissioned in December 2003. These vessels were the second class of ships produced under the Korean Destroyer eXperimental (KDX) program, which was instrumental in transitioning the South Korean Navy to a blue-water navy. Manufactured by Hyundai Heavy Industries and Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering, a total of six ships were produced over a span of four years.

These destroyers have a sophisticated armament setup, which includes a 32-cell strike-length Mk 41 Vertical Launching System (VLS) for SM-2 Block IIIA area-air defense missiles, a 21-round Rolling Airframe Missile (RAM) launcher for inner-layer defense, and a 30 mm Goalkeeper close-in weapon system for point defense. The ships also possess a Mk 45 Mod 4 127 mm naval gun, eight Harpoon anti-ship missiles, and two triple 324 mm anti-submarine torpedo tubes for wider threat engagement. The fourth unit in this class, ROKS Wang Geon, features a distinctive configuration where the standard 32-cell Mk 41 VLS is offset to the left to accommodate a Korean-designed VLS, known as K-VLS, on the right. The forward section of these ships has enough space to install a potential 56-cell Mk 41 VLS.

The electronic warfare and sensor suite is advanced, featuring a combination of Raytheon and Thales Nederland radars and fire-control systems for comprehensive target detection and engagement. It includes the Raytheon AN/SPS-49(V)5 long-range radar, Thales Nederland MW08 target indication radar, Thales Nederland STIR240 fire-control radars with CWI transmitters, an SLQ-200(V)K SONATA electronic warfare system, and a KDCOM-II combat management system, which has its origins in the Royal Navy’s Type 23 frigate's SSCS combat management system. The BAE Systems WDS Mk 14 threat evaluation system, developed for the US Navy's New Threat Upgrade, helps in prioritizing and engaging targets in sequence with the SM-2 missiles.

The KDX-II destroyers, as known for this class, represent a strategic expansion of the ROKN, with aspirations for blue-water naval capabilities. The design is noted for incorporating stealth features, marking a notable progression in the navy's combatant technology.

There have been concept proposals for variants of this class. The KDX-IIA variant is envisioned to carry the advanced Aegis Combat System and offer enhanced stealth capabilities. This variant has been proposed to the Indian Navy for export.

Additionally, the South Korean Ministry of National Defense, in a five-year defense plan announced in August 2019, outlined the development of an arsenal ship based on the KDX-II destroyer platform, signaling ongoing efforts to boost the navy's firepower and versatility.

These ships solely operate within the Republic of Korea Navy and form a central component of South Korea's naval power projection.

Technical specifications

Chungmugong Yi Sun-sin
Displacement6520 tons
Crew300 members
Width17.4 m (57.1 ft)
Length150.0 m (492.1 ft)

Hanhwa GE LM2500 , Doosan MTU 956 Combined diesel or gas


1 32-cell Mk 41 VLS for SM-2 SM-2 Block IIIA SAM, 1 21-round RAM launcher, 1 30 mm Goalkeeper CIWS, 1 Mk 45 Mod4 127 mm gun, 8 Harpoon SSM, 2 triple 324 mm torpedo tubes

Maximum speed30 knots