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Origin country 🇷🇺 Russia
Category Submarine
SubtypeAttack submarine
ManufacturerRubin Design Bureau, Admiralty Shipyard, Saint Petersburg.
Year commissioned2030
Approx. unit cost$450 million


The proposed Amur-class submarines, named after the Amur River, represent the latest design in Russian undersea craft, and are the export variant of the Lada class, itself an evolution of the Kilo-class submarine. These fourth-generation boats focus on enhanced acoustic stealth, state-of-the-art combat systems, and the option for air-independent propulsion (AIP).

There are two models within the Amur-class design: the Amur-1650, which is larger and geared towards longer missions, and the Amur-950, equipped with a vertical launch system (VLS) for firing missiles in rapid succession at multiple targets. Both employ advanced electronic warfare systems and have the advantage of reduced sonar signatures compared to their Kilo-class predecessors. These submarines can be fitted with AIP fuel cells via a hull extension plug during initial construction or as a retrofit, enhancing their submerged endurance and range. The manufacturer confirms that these vessels are capable of operations globally, barring areas covered by solid ice, in all weather conditions, and in both shallow and deep waters.

The design of the Amur-class submarines comes from the Rubin Central Design Bureau, with chief designer Yuri Kormilitsyn spearheading the project. They have evolved from concepts used in the Kilo-class, maintaining a single-hull architecture with minimal displacement to reduce noise and improve propulsion. A major innovation is the development of a new main electric engine using permanent magnets, promising high efficiency at low cruising speeds. At the Army-2022 forum, a concept for another model, the Amur e600, was presented. This design concept features an all-electric propulsion system without a sail, potentially offering up to 17 days of endurance with the use of lithium-based batteries. It is unclear whether this design will move forward to construction.

In terms of international interest, Russia has proposed joint development of the Amur 1650 with India as a potential supplier for six submarines, following an announcement by India in 2021. However, the slow progress of the Amur-class project has given rise to concerns. Russia has also approached other countries with sales offers: they were considered by India in 2005, but India opted for Scorpène-class submarines instead; Russia signaled an offer to the Moroccan Navy in 2013; and in 2021, discussions took place with Argentina about the possibility of licensed production of the Amur 1650, part of a larger defense deal.

To date, no Amur-class submarines have been constructed. Their future, including the selection by potential operating countries and the eventual realization of the proposed designs, remains a subject of ongoing negotiations and planning within the broader context of international defense procurements.

Technical specifications

Displacement950 tons
Range 600 km
Endurance45 days
Crew18 members
Width5.65 m (18.5 ft)
Length58.8 m (192.9 ft)
Max. depth250 m (820.2 ft)

2 AIP diesel engines with a power of 5,400 hp - 1 propeller


4 533mm torpedoes with 16 in-store torpedoes + 10 VLS cells.

Maximum speed20 knots