Republic of Singapore Navy Fleet Inventory πŸ‡ΈπŸ‡¬

Established in 1967, following Singapore's independence from Malaysia, the Republic of Singapore Navy (RSN) has since undergone significant modernization. Its origin dates back to the Royal Navy during Singapore's time as a British crown colony. The RSN's operations extend beyond national defense to include combating piracy and terrorist threats, particularly in the Strait of Malacca, one of the world's busiest sea lanes. The Republic of Singapore Navy maintains qualitative superiority through technological advancement, alliances, and increased automation, positioning itself as a sophisticated and well-trained force in the region.

Mission-wise, the Republic of Singapore Navy focuses on protecting Singapore's maritime communication routes, maintaining continuous surveillance to prevent piracy and terrorism, securing swift victory in wartime, and engaging in international peacekeeping and humanitarian efforts.

In terms of capability development, the Republic of Singapore Navy was the first in the region to successfully fire a live anti-ship missile in 1974. The 1970s also saw the acquisition of various classes of ships and the establishment of the Naval Diving Unit, highlighting the expansion and modernization of the Navy. The RSN continued to evolve, with significant advancements in fleet capabilities through the introduction of modern classes of vessels and unmanned assets between 2007 and 2020, enhancing its deterrence in regional waters.

The RSN also places a strong emphasis on elite training, particularly within its Naval Diving Unit, which undertakes explosive ordnance disposal and commando-type missions. The Naval Logistics Command ensures the maintenance and readiness of the fleet, working closely with other national defense agencies. Officer training is comprehensive, with programs at the Officer Cadet School and various specialized courses. Enlisted specialists and regular military experts receive rigorous training, including realistic simulations, to prepare for operational duties.

Key facts

Official Name Republic of Singapore Navy
CountryπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡¬ Singapore
World rank#28
Ships in service49 (as of 2024)
Total ships57
Naval ensign

Ensign of Singapore navy

Number of active ships by category

Ship category Active
Corvettes 12
Submarines 9
Patrol boats 8
Coastal boats 8
Frigates 6
Other ships 5
Mine Warfare ships 4
Amphibious ships 4
Support ships 1

Detailed inventory of Singaporean Navy

Amphibious ships

Type Class Ship Name Hull Number Status Year
Amphibious warfare Endurance RSS Endurance 207 Active -
Endurance RSS Resolution 208 Active -
Endurance RSS Persistence 209 Active -
Endurance RSS Endeavour 210 Active -

Coastal boats

Type Class Ship Name Hull Number Status Year
Littoral combat ship Independence RSS Independence 15 Active -
Independence RSS Sovereignty 16 Active -
Independence RSS Unity 17 Active -
Independence RSS Justice 18 Active -
Independence RSS Indomitable 19 Active -
Independence RSS Fortitude 20 Active -
Independence RSS Dauntless 21 Active -
Independence RSS Fearless 22 Active -


Type Class Ship Name Hull Number Status Year
Corvette Victory RSS Victory 88 Active -
Victory RSS Valour 89 Active -
Victory RSS Vigilance 90 Active -
Victory RSS Valiant 91 Active -
Victory RSS Vigour 92 Active -
Victory RSS Vengeance 93 Active -
Multi-role Combat Vessel (6 ships) Ordered 2028


Type Class Ship Name Hull Number Status Year
Frigate Formidable RSS Formidable 68 Active -
Formidable RSS Intrepid 69 Active -
Formidable RSS Steadfast 70 Active -
Formidable RSS Tenacious 71 Active -
Formidable RSS Stalwart 72 Active -
Formidable RSS Supreme 73 Active -

Mine Warfare ships

Type Class Ship Name Hull Number Status Year
Minehunter Bedok RSS Bedok M105 Active -
Bedok RSS Kallang M106 Active -
Bedok RSS Katong M107 Active -
Bedok RSS Punggol M108 Active -

Other ships

Type Class Ship Name Hull Number Status Year
Unmanned surface vessel Piranha/Vigilant USV Active -
Protector USV Active -
Spartan Scout (2 ships) Active -
Venus 16 USV Active -

Patrol boats

Type Class Ship Name Hull Number Status Year
Stealth interceptor patrol boat Combatant Craft Large (CCL) Active -
interceptor patrol boat Fast Interceptor Craft 145 Active -
Rigid-hull inflatable boat Hurricane ZH-1100 MACH II Active -
Maritime Security and Response Vessel Sentinel MSRV Sentinel 55 Active -
Sentinel MSRV Guardian 56 Active -
Sentinel MSRV Protector 57 Active -
Sentinel MSRV Bastion 58 Active -
Stealth interceptor patrol boat Specialised Marine Craft (SMC) Type II Active -


Type Class Ship Name Hull Number Status Year
Submarine Archer RSS Archer Active -
Archer RSS Swordsman Active -
Challenger RSS Conqueror Active -
Challenger RSS Chieftain Active -
Invincible RSS Invincible Active 2021
Invincible RSS Impeccable Active 2022
Invincible RSS Illustrious Active 2022
Invincible RSS Inimitable Ordered 2024
Invincible Ordered 2024

Support ships

Type Class Ship Name Hull Number Status Year
Submarine rescue ship SSRV MV Swift Rescue Active -