NATO Reporting Names for Aircrafts

The NATO reporting name system for military aircraft is a method to name and identify non-NATO aircraft. This system was created because many nations, especially the Soviet Union and China, used a confusing array of designations for their aircraft, making it difficult for Western military analysts, pilots, and intelligence officers to discuss them. NATO needed a standardized naming system for ease of discussion and classification.

The names assigned to fixed-wing aircraft are generally one syllable for propeller planes and two syllables for jets. Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) also follow this pattern.

More importantly, the codenames start with a different letter depending on the type of aicraft:

The actual names are often chosen to reflect a characteristic of the aircraft. For example, the MiG-25 was designated "Foxbat," which was chosen to imply speed and agility, characteristics of the actual fox and bat animals. The names are also intended to be easy to pronounce and remember for English speakers. The system has been in place since the 1950s and is still in use today, though with the end of the Cold War, its significance has somewhat diminished.


NATO Designation Model
Backfin Tupolev Tu-98
Backfire Tupolev Tu-22M / Tu-26
Badger Tupolev Tu-16 / Xian H-6
Bank North American B-25 Mitchell
Barge Tupolev Tu-85
Bark Ilyushin Il-2
Bat Tupolev Tu-2
Beagle Ilyushin Il-28
Bear Tupolev Tu-95
Beast Ilyushin Il-10
Bison Myasishchev M-4
Blackjack Tupolev Tu-160
Blinder Tupolev Tu-22
Blowlamp Ilyushin Il-54
Bob Ilyushin Il-4
Boot Tupolev Tu-91
Bosun Tupolev Tu-14
Bounder Myasishchev M-50
Box Douglas A-20 Havoc
Brassard Yakovlev Yak-28
Brawny Ilyushin Il-40
Brewer Yakovlev Yak-28B
Buck Petlyakov Pe-2
Bull Tupolev Tu-4
Butcher Tupolev Tu-82

Fighter aircrafts

NATO Designation Model
Faceplate Mikoyan-Gurevich Ye-2
Fagin Chengdu J-20
Fagot Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-15
Fang Lavochkin La-11
Fantail Lavochkin La-15
Fantan Nanchang Q-5 / A-5
Fargo Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-9
Farmer Shenyang J-6 / Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-19
Feather Yakovlev Yak-15 / Yak-17
Felon Sukhoi Su-57
Fencer Sukhoi Su-24
Fiddler Tupolev Tu-28 / Tu-128
Fin Lavochkin La-7
Finback Shenyang J-8
Firebar Yakovlev Yak-28P
Firebird Chengdu J-10
Firkin Sukhoi Su-47
Fishbed Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-21
Fishcan Chengdu J-7
Fishpot Sukhoi Su-9 / Su-11
Fitter Sukhoi Su-7 / Su-17 / Su-20 / Su-22
Flagon Sukhoi Su-15
Flanker Sukhoi Su-27 / Su-30 / Su-33 / Su-35 / Su-37
Flanker Shenyang J-11 / J-15 / J-16
Flashlight Yakovlev Yak-25
Flatpack/Foxglove MiG MFI project 1.44 / 1.42
Flipper Mikoyan-Gurevich Ye-150
Flogger Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-23 / MiG-27
Flora Yakovlev Yak-23
Flounder Xian JH-7
Forger Yakovlev Yak-38
Foxbat Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-25
Foxhound Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-31
Frank Yakovlev Yak-9
Fred Bell P-63 Kingcobra
Freehand Yakovlev Yak-36
Freestyle Yakovlev Yak-41 / Yak-141
Fresco Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-17 / Shenyang J-5
Fritz Lavochkin La-9
Frogfoot Sukhoi Su-25
Fulcrum Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-29 / MiG-33 / MiG-35
Fullback Sukhoi Su-32 / Su-34


NATO Designation Model
Haitun Harbin Z-9
Halo Mil Mi-26
Hare Mil Mi-1
Harke Mil Mi-10
Harp Kamov Ka-20
Hat Kamov Ka-10
Havoc Mil Mi-28
Haze Mil Mi-14
Helix Kamov Ka-27 / Ka-29 / Ka-32
Hen Kamov Ka-15
Hermit Mil Mi-34
Hind Mil Mi-24
Hip Mil Mi-8 / Mi-9 / Mi-17
Hog Kamov Ka-18
Hokum Kamov Ka-50 / 52
Homer Mil V-12
Hoodlum Kamov Ka-26 / Ka-126 / Ka-226
Hook Mil Mi-6
Hoop Kamov Ka-22
Hoplite Mil Mi-2
Hormone Kamov Ka-25
Horse Yakovlev Yak-24
Hound Mil Mi-4

Other aircrafts

NATO Designation Model
Mace Shaanxi Y-8JB
Madcap Antonov An-71
Madge Beriev Be-6
Maestro Yakovlev Yak-28U
Magnet Yakovlev Yak-17UTI
Magnum Yakovlev Yak-30
Maid Shaanxi Y-8X
Maiden Sukhoi Su-9U
Mail Beriev Be-12
Mainstay Beriev A-50
Mallow Beriev Be-10
Malt Shaanxi Y-8
Mandrake Yakovlev Yak-25RV
Mangrove Yakovlev Yak-27R
Mantis Yakovlev Yak-32
March Shaanxi Y-8Q
Mare Yakovlev Yak-14
Mark Yakovlev Yak-7V
Mascot Ilyushin Il-28U
Mask Shaanxi Y-8J
Max Yakovlev Yak-18
Maxdome Ilyushin Il-80 / Il-86VKP
May Ilyushin Il-38
Maya Aero L-29
Mermaid Beriev Be-40
Midas Ilyushin Il-78
Midget Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-15UTI
Milt Shaanxi Y-9Q
Mink Yakovlev UT-2
Mist Tsybin Ts-25 / Shaanxi Y-9JZ
Mitten Yakovlev Yak-130
Mole Beriev Be-8
Mongol Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-21 two-seat trainer
Moose Yakovlev Yak-11
Mop PBY Catalina
Moss Tupolev Tu-126
Mote Beriev Be-2
Mote Beriev MBR-2
Moth Shaanxi Y-8W / Y8 / KJ-200
Moujik Sukhoi Su-7U
Mouse Shaanxi Y-8GX4
Mug Beriev Be-4
Mule Po-2
Mystic Myasishchev M-17 / M-55

Transport aircrafts

NATO Designation Model
Cab Lisunov Li-2
Camber Ilyushin Il-86
Camel Tupolev Tu-104
Camp Antonov An-8
Candid Ilyushin Il-76
Careless Tupolev Tu-154
Cart Tupolev Tu-70
Cash Antonov An-28
Cat Antonov An-10
Chan Harbin Y-11
Charger Tupolev Tu-144
Clam Ilyushin Il-18 (1947)
Clank Antonov An-30
Classic Ilyushin Il-62
Cleat Tupolev Tu-114
Cline Antonov An-32
Clobber Yakovlev Yak-42
Clod Antonov An-14
Coach Ilyushin Il-12
Coaler Antonov An-72 / An-74
Cock Antonov An-22
Codling Yakovlev Yak-40
Coke Antonov An-24
Colt Antonov An-2
Condor Antonov An-124
Cooker Tupolev Tu-110
Cookpot Tupolev Tu-124
Coot Ilyushin Il-18 / Il-22
Cork Yakovlev Yak-16
Cossack Antonov An-225
Crate Ilyushin Il-14
Creek Yakovlev Yak-12
Crib Yakovlev Yak-8
Crow Yakovlev Yak-12
Crusty Tupolev Tu-134
Cub Antonov An-12
Cuff Beriev Be-30 / Be-32
Curl Antonov An-26