Missile AGM-65 Maverick

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CategoryAnti-Tank Missile
Sub-typeAnti-tank guided missile
Origin country πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ United States

Technical specifications

AGM-65 Maverick
WarheadHigh Explosive Anti Tank
Warhead Weight56.2 kg to 135 kg
Diameter304 mm (12.0 in)
Span711 mm (28.0 in)
Length1710 mm (67.3 in)
Penetration700 mm of steel
Weight208 kg (459 lb)
Range2.7 km (2 mi)


The AGM-65 Maverick is an air-to-ground missile (AGM) primarily designed for close air support, interdiction, and defense suppression missions. It was originally developed by Hughes Aircraft Company and is currently manufactured by Raytheon. The Maverick was first introduced in 1972 and has been widely used by the United States and allied forces in various conflicts, including the Gulf War, Iraq War, and the war in Afghanistan.

The Maverick is notable for its versatility; it can be launched from a variety of aircraft platforms, including fighter jets, attack helicopters, and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). It is compatible with a wide range of launching platforms like the F-16, A-10, F/A-18, and more.

One of the key features of the Maverick is its diverse range of guidance systems. Depending on the variant, it can use electro-optical (TV-guided), infrared, or laser guidance. Some versions also feature a charge-coupled device (CCD) for better targeting accuracy in various lighting conditions. This flexibility in guidance options allows it to be employed in a wide array of tactical scenarios, including both day and night operations, and against a broad range of targets like armored vehicles, fortifications, and even naval vessels.

The missile typically carries a shaped-charge warhead for armor penetration, although blast-fragmentation warheads for use against softer targets like bunkers and fortifications are also available. The Maverick's warhead is designed to inflict maximum damage upon impact, ensuring the destruction of high-value targets.

While it has been a highly successful weapon, it does face some limitations. The Maverick's range, while sufficient for many tactical scenarios, is not as long as some more modern weapons, like the AGM-158 JASSM. Furthermore, advances in countermeasures and air defense systems have made it increasingly important to update the Maverick's guidance and targeting systems to maintain its effectiveness.