Missile AGM-142 Have Nap / Popeye

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CategoryAir-to-Surface Missile
Sub-typeAir-to-surface missile
Origin country 🇮🇱 Israel 🇺🇸 United States
ManufacturerLockheed Martin

Technical specifications

AGM-142 Have Nap / Popeye
WarheadHigh Explosive
Warhead Weight340 kg
Diameter533 mm (21.0 in)
Span1524 mm (60.0 in)
Length4800 mm (189.0 in)
Weight1360 kg (2998 lb)
Range78 km (48 mi)


The AGM-142 Have Nap, also known as the Popeye in Israel, is an air-to-ground missile developed as a joint venture between the United States and Israel. Originally produced by the Israeli company Rafael Advanced Defense Systems, it was later produced under license in the U.S. by Lockheed Martin. Introduced in the 1980s, the missile was initially designed to provide precision-strike capability against fortified, high-value targets.

The AGM-142 is known for its electro-optical (EO) guidance system, which enables a "man-in-the-loop" control. A camera in the missile's nose sends back real-time imagery to the operator, who can then manually steer the missile to the target using a joystick. This gives the missile a high level of accuracy and allows for real-time target selection and validation. Some versions of the AGM-142 are also equipped with an infrared imaging system for improved targeting in low-visibility conditions.

Powered by a solid-fuel rocket motor, the AGM-142 has a range of approximately 45 miles (around 75 kilometers), depending on its launch altitude. The missile can carry various types of warheads, including a blast-fragmentation warhead for softer targets and a penetrator for hardened or buried targets.

Despite its capabilities, the AGM-142 has limitations. The man-in-the-loop guidance system requires the launch aircraft to remain within data-link range, exposing it to enemy air defenses for an extended period. The system is also susceptible to operator error and can be challenging to employ in high-stress, fast-moving combat scenarios. Additionally, the missile's relatively high cost and specialized nature mean it is not as widely used as some other air-to-ground weapons.