Missile SS-N-33 / 3M22 Zircon

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CategoryAnti-Ship Missile
Sub-typeHypersonic anti-ship cruise missile
Origin country 🇷🇺 Russia
ManufacturerNPO Mashinostroyeniya

Technical specifications

SS-N-33 / 3M22 Zircon
WarheadHigh Explosive or Nuclear
Warhead Weight300 kg conventional, or 200kt nuclear
Diameter600 mm (23.6 in)
Length9000 mm (354.3 in)
Ceiling28000 m
Range1000 km (621 mi)
Max SpeedMach 9


The 3M22 Zircon is a Russian hypersonic cruise missile currently under development. Intended for anti-ship and land-attack missions, this missile represents a significant advancement in hypersonic weaponry and is expected to pose a challenge for existing naval and land-based defense systems. It can be launched from a ship or a submarine.

Zircon is powered by a scramjet engine, which allows it to reach hypersonic speeds. The missile is reported to achieve speeds of up to Mach 9, making it very difficult to intercept. The scramjet engine functions by compressing incoming air before combustion, enabling the missile to maintain hypersonic speeds throughout its flight.

The operational range of the Zircon is estimated to be around 1,000 kilometers. This extended range allows for stand-off launch capabilities, enabling naval or land-based platforms to engage targets from a considerable distance, thus increasing the survivability of the launch platform.

The missile uses a combination of an inertial navigation system and satellite navigation for mid-course guidance, with terminal phase guidance likely provided by an active radar homing head. This ensures high accuracy, enabling the Zircon to hit both static and moving targets with a high degree of precision.

The Zircon can be equipped with either a conventional or nuclear warhead, up to 200kt for the nuclear option. Its high speed and kinetic energy alone are sufficient to cause significant damage, but when coupled with a powerful warhead, the missile becomes an extremely potent weapon system.

What distinguishes the Zircon from traditional cruise missiles is its hypersonic speed and ability to fly at low altitudes. This combination allows it to evade radar detection more effectively and complicates interception efforts. Additionally, the missile is capable of performing evasive maneuvers in the terminal phase of its flight, further complicating interception attempts.

The missile's hypersonic speed and advanced materials make it an expensive weapon system to produce. Additionally, its reliance on advanced guidance systems and propulsion technology likely means that it would require significant maintenance and logistical support. Moreover, its scramjet engine needs to be initially accelerated to supersonic speeds before it can function, requiring a booster or a high-speed launch platform.

The 3M22 Zircon stands out as a next-generation hypersonic cruise missile designed for striking high-value naval and land targets. Its high speed, combined with a very long range and advanced guidance systems, make it a formidable weapon. However, its complexity and likely high cost represent significant drawbacks.