
Catalog of 20 firearms from all countries, categorized into nine distinct types: Anti-Material Sniper Rifles, Assault Rifles, Bullpup Assault Rifles, Combat Shotguns, Light Machine Guns, Machine Guns, Semi-Automatic Pistols, Sniper Rifles, and Submachine Guns. Each firearm entry is accompanied by a detailed set of technical specifications, including caliber, range, and rate of fire. We also delve into the firearm's development and production history, highlighting key milestones and any significant modifications.

Category: All firearmsAnti materiel sniper riflesAssault riflesBullpup assault riflesCombat shotgunsLight machine gunsMachine gunsSemi-automatic pistolsSniper riflesSubmachine guns

Country Firearm Model Category
🇮🇹 Beretta 92 Semi-automatic pistol
🇺🇸 Colt M1911 Semi-automatic pistol
🇮🇱 Desert Eagle Semi-automatic pistol
🇧🇪 FN "Five-seveN" Semi-automatic pistol
🇵🇭 Floro Mk-9 Semi-automatic pistol
🇦🇹 Glock 17 Semi-automatic pistol
🇦🇹 Glock 20 "Super Ten" Semi-automatic pistol
🇦🇹 Glock 21 Semi-automatic pistol
🇦🇹 Glock 23 Semi-automatic pistol
🇦🇹 Glock 25 Semi-automatic pistol
🇦🇹 Glock 31 Semi-automatic pistol
🇦🇹 Glock 37 Semi-automatic pistol
🇩🇪 HK UCP Semi-automatic pistol
🇩🇪 HK USP Semi-automatic pistol
🇧🇪 Hi-Power HP-35 Semi-automatic pistol
🇮🇱 Jericho 941 Semi-automatic pistol
🇷🇺 OC-23 "Drotik" Semi-automatic pistol
🇷🇺 OC-33 "Pernatch" Semi-automatic pistol
🇺🇸 PLR-16 Semi-automatic pistol
🇨🇭 SIG-226 Semi-automatic pistol