Countries comparison


Pakistan 🇵🇰 India 🇮🇳
🪖 Active Troops 654,000 personnels 1,455,550 personnels
⛑️ Reserve Troops 550,000 personnels 1,155,000 personnels
🛩️ Air forces 1413 active aircrafts 2369 active aircrafts
⚓️ Naval forces 148 ships in fleet 290 ships in fleet
💥 Nuclear Arsenal 170 warheads 164 warheads
Map of Pakistan Map of India
Pakistan 🇵🇰 India 🇮🇳
Population 235,824,862 1,417,173,173
GDP $376.5 billion $3.4 trillion
GDP per capita $1,596 $2,388
Inflation 12% 8%
Military Budget $10.3 billion $81.4 billion
Share of GDP 2.7% 2.4%
Historical military budget as share of GDP Historical Military Spends of Pakistan Historical Military Spends of India