Countries comparison


Greece 🇬🇷 Cyprus 🇨🇾
🪖 Active Troops 142,700 personnels 15,000 personnels
⛑️ Reserve Troops 221,350 personnels 50,000 personnels
🛩️ Air forces 635 active aircrafts 7 active aircrafts
⚓️ Naval forces 158 ships in fleet No ships in fleet
Map of Greece Map of Cyprus
Greece 🇬🇷 Cyprus 🇨🇾
Population 10,566,531 1,244,188
GDP $219.1 billion $28.4 billion
GDP per capita $20,732 $31,552
Inflation 8% 2%
Military Budget $8.1 billion $518.0 million
Share of GDP 3.7% 1.8%
Historical military budget as share of GDP Historical Military Spends of Greece Historical Military Spends of Cyprus