Countries comparison


Canada 🇨🇦 United States 🇺🇸
🪖 Active Troops 67,400 personnels 1,328,000 personnels
⛑️ Reserve Troops 35,600 personnels 744,950 personnels
🛩️ Air forces 379 active aircrafts 13302 active aircrafts
⚓️ Naval forces 67 ships in fleet 532 ships in fleet
💥 Nuclear Arsenal No nuclear warheads 5244 warheads
Map of Canada Map of United States
Canada 🇨🇦 United States 🇺🇸
Population 38,929,902 333,287,557
GDP $2.1 trillion $25.5 trillion
GDP per capita $54,966 $76,398
Inflation 7% 7%
Military Budget $26.9 billion $877.0 billion
Share of GDP 1.3% 3.4%
Historical military budget as share of GDP Historical Military Spends of Canada Historical Military Spends of United States