Lockheed Martin RQ-170 Sentinel


Category Drone
Origin country πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ United States
First flight1 January 2005
Year of introduction2007
Number produced units


The RQ-170 Sentinel, developed by Lockheed Martin's Skunk Works, is a stealth unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) primarily designed for intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) missions. Its design and capabilities are reflective of the U.S. military's evolving needs in an age of advanced air defenses and the requirement for stealthy, deep-penetration surveillance.

The UAV's existence was not publicly acknowledged until late 2009, although it had been operational for several years prior. It carries a resemblance to previous stealth aircraft, particularly in its flying wing design without vertical stabilizers. This configuration, combined with its radar-absorbing materials, makes it particularly challenging for adversaries to detect and track.

Equipped with a suite of sensors, the RQ-170 can gather imagery and signals intelligence (SIGINT). While specifics about its sensor packages are classified, its stealth capabilities suggest that it's designed to operate in heavily defended airspace, allowing it to capture data from locations that other, non-stealthy UAVs cannot access.

The RQ-170's operational history is shrouded in secrecy due to its clandestine nature. However, some notable events involving the UAV have been reported:

  1. Afghanistan (2000s-2010s): The RQ-170 was deployed for surveillance missions over Afghanistan. Its operations there were part of the broader U.S. ISR efforts in the region.
  2. Iran Incident (2011): An RQ-170 was reported to have been lost in Iran in December 2011. Iranian authorities claimed to have captured the UAV intact, alleging that they brought it down through electronic warfare means. The U.S. acknowledged the loss of an aircraft but didn't provide specifics on the circumstances.
  3. Korean Peninsula: There have been unconfirmed reports suggesting that the RQ-170 might have been used to monitor North Korea's nuclear and missile development activities, given the challenges posed by the country's air defenses and the need for stealthy observation.

The RQ-170 has not seen multiple publicized versions like some other UAVs, given its secretive development and operations. However, considering the pace of technological advancement and evolving mission requirements, it's plausible that various upgrades have been implemented over the years.

The RQ-170 Sentinel represents the forefront of stealth UAV technology. Designed for the most sensitive and challenging ISR missions, its operations remain largely behind the curtain, testifying to its importance in the U.S. military's high-stakes intelligence missions.

Technical specifications

Version: RQ-170 Sentinel
Wingspan20 m (65.6 ft)
Length4.8 m (15.7 ft)
PowerplantSingle jet engine

All operators

United States