Beriev Be-200


Category Transport aircraft
Origin country 🇷🇺 Russia
First flight24 September 1998
Year of introduction2003
Number produced19 units
Average unit price$67 million


The Beriev Be-200 is a military amphibious aircraft that has been developed by the Beriev Aircraft Company. Primarily designed for multiple missions, the Be-200 is widely recognized for its capabilities in a variety of roles, including search and rescue operations, maritime patrol, and firefighting support. The aircraft's development was focused on addressing the need for a versatile platform capable of operating in both land and water environments, with particular emphasis on its amphibious capabilities. Over the years, the Be-200 has been deployed by various military forces around the world, further enhancing its reputation as a reliable performer in challenging missions.

Technical specifications

Version: Be-200ChS
Maximum speed 700 km/h (435 mph)
Wing area117.4 m² (1263.7 sqft)
Wingspan32.8 m (107.5 ft)
Height8.9 m (29.2 ft)
Length31.4 m (103.1 ft)
Service ceiling8000 m (26247 ft)
Empty weight27600 kg (60848 lbs)
Max. takeoff weight41000 kg (90389 lbs)
Climb rate17.0 m/s (55.8 ft/s)
Takeoff distance1800 m (5906 ft)
Powerplant2 × turbojets Ivchenko-Progress D-436TP delivering 7500 kgp

Current operating countries

Country Units
Russia Russia 2

Numbers in parentheses, e.g. '(+5)', indicate units ordered but not yet delivered.

All operators


Photo of Be-200

Photo of Be-200 Credits: Vitaly V. Kuzmin